You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.4. SALES Menu: Sales Order Processing > 1.4.8. Sales - Standing Orders > Standing Orders - Standing Order Creation > Maintaining Standing Order Lines > Enter Standing Order Line - Dis
Enter Standing Order Line - Dis

The Discount field on the Enter Standing Order Line screen allows you to assign a discount to a standing order line. If you have different discount categories setup in your company configuration (refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Discount Names"), you can assign a percentage of the total discount to specific discount categories.

  1. Display the Enter Standing Order Line screen.

Refer to "Maintaining Standing Order Lines".

  1. Select the Dis button next to the Discount field.

Micronet displays the Discount Breakup screen.

  1. Enter the percentage of the discount to be assigned to each discount category.


Technical Tip

The discount category names are setup on the Enter Discount Names screen (refer to "Edit Company - Edit - Discount Names").

  1. Select the Accept button to return to the Enter Standing Order Line screen.